We have been building up our insurance agency. Its has been going great. There is a lot of potential and we are trying to capitalize on it as much as possible. We are on track for truly great things! The thing I love about our agency is that we are independent insurance agents. For all types of insurance, we shop about twenty insurance companies to find our clients the best rates available.
We have such great opportunity because most people have their insurance through captive agents (they represent only one company, compared to us who represent multiple). When these people allow us to give them a quote, we save them a lot of money!

Sarin has built a mini piano teaching empire! One day, she decided that she would teach piano lessons to some kids in the ward. Within a week, it exploded to about ten kids. I had the chance to see one of her lessons and I can definitely say that she has a talent for it. Sarin is so awesome at working with people. She is so positive and is bursting with good energy. I would dare say that Sarin is the best piano teacher ever!
We have been traveling and enjoying ourselves. We still love road trips! A great vacation that we took was with Mark and Camille in April to Las Vegas and Disneyland. It was soooo fun!

We wanted to get in a good visit to Disneyland before we have kids. We ran to all the rides, leaving all the parents with kids and strollers in our dust!

They wrote this especially for us!
There were a lot of awesome patriotic things at Disneyland. They had a really cool flag ceremony with songs and everything. Also, there was a really cool presentation about Abe Lincoln.
Walt Disney loved America!
We had a fun time at the beach.
This is huge Sarin standing on top of the mountain.

We witnessed a few Elvis and drive-thru weddings in good ole' Las Vegas.

We had a big game tournament of men vs. women. It was crazy.
We drove around to all my old stomping grounds with I was a kid. I lived in Vegas from when I was 2 until I was 12 years old. Sarin, Mark and Camille were so nice to listen to me as I took them everywhere and told them all of my favorite stories from my childhood.
Right now, we are in Seattle selling pest control. I've done it for the past five summers and it is a great way to raise funds in the short term. We are out here raising capital to invest in our business. We have been here for two months so far and have one more to go. We have been having a great time. Pest control sales has been a huge blessing in our lives through the years.
Life has been so miraculously good and we feel very blessed. I love our routine in the summer. I think that this might be one reason why life is so good. We know what makes us happy and function well every day, so we make sure to do it!
Our routine:
10:00 am - Wake up and drink two huge cups of water (I love starting my day with tons of water).
10:00-11:00 - We read the scriptures and then something else. This summer, I've been reading Mitt Romney's new book called "No Apologies." I highly recommend it.
11:00-12:30 - We go to our awesome gym just down the road. Sarin has been lifting weights with me for the last month and is definitely getting stronger. (She has a passion for being healthy and totally fits in with big guys in the gym).
12:30-2:00 - We come home and eat a huge lunch, I get ready, then I leave for work.
2:00-9:30 - I go door to door selling pest control.
10:30 - I get home and Sarin has an AMAZING salad ready. Each meal is an adventure with Sarin because she experiments and invents and has a great talent for making tasty, healthy food.
After we eat we watch a movie or tv show then go to bed super late....... that's why we sleep in until 10:00! Ha!
The little things that we do each day make life so good: reading the scriptures, working out, making goals and making them happen. We are making great things happen and the Lord is blessing us like crazy.
We know that our lives are what we make out of them and we are making it happen!
Hooray, you did it! Another post!! I love reading about you guys, keep up the good work!